I’ve been away…

Mostly because a series of events kept me away. This month has been very stressful. Add to that losing my phone on the highway, somehow finding my phone on the highway, and last minute moving to a new home (so last minute I had no time to pack).

Yes, moving. It seems like only yesterday when I got the call. It feels like yesterday when it was actually last Sunday when I got the call. I was in the middle of doing my laundry when I got the call. I had to finish that and do whatever other little chores I had planned quickly and then get a ride to the spot. I showed up, still with my laundry, to find the spot I wanted was already claimed. I wanted to rant at the guy about me coming there for no reason when he explained that I was second on the list, and if that didn’t work another room was opening up. Okay, well I guess there was no real harm was done. I got a chance to meet the landlord and to see what I was getting into.

I was getting into a nice little community of shared homes, and if lucky I was getting one of the bigger rooms. There are things I want to say about it, but think it prudent to not. I’ll just say that I was hoping for the best. I wanted in because I needed out of my old place, a place out in the sticks that had nothing and nowhere to go. The new place is like a return to civilization. There are stores and parks and people all over the place. There’s even a bus line that can get me to work! That’s a big seller for me, for my vehicle quit on me, and catching Uber rides was getting expensive.

So Monday I get the call! I’m in! Great! All I have to do is pack and be in by the weekend! Wait, that soon? I don’t get a lot of time to do anything after work, what with the late hours we’ve been doing. Add to that I’m working on a new review of a book, Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five, preparing other stories for submissions to mags, and preparing another novel, no two novels, and time is simply not in supply.

All that to say I’m back on track. Soon you’ll see the review, and I’m even going to throw in some flash fiction. It’ll be like nothing ever happened, except that I’m now in a new place, a homier place, where my ideas can flow unabated. So stay tuned. Good things are coming.

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