The Left Hand of Darkness

by Ursula K. Le Guin This review is a long time coming. Mostly because I just sat on it, and mostly because I moved. Or whatever excuse I can think of. I think I was getting too engrossed in other books and simply forgot. Oh well… This book reminds me of why I love toContinue reading “The Left Hand of Darkness”

I’ve been away…

Mostly because a series of events kept me away. This month has been very stressful. Add to that losing my phone on the highway, somehow finding my phone on the highway, and last minute moving to a new home (so last minute I had no time to pack). Yes, moving. It seems like only yesterdayContinue reading “I’ve been away…”

Slaughterhouse 5

I read this and my one regret is I finished it. It ended. It’s over. Now what? Just continue on as if nothing had happened? Consider my life choices, trying to figure out where I went wrong? I don’t know. There are few books that can do that to me. Why did I even readContinue reading “Slaughterhouse 5”

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

You know how people always say the book is better than the movie? This is another example of that. To be fair, I vaguely remember the movie, having seen it a long time ago. What I do remember was the movie focused more on McMurphy and not on Chief. The book was the other wayContinue reading “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”

Out There Screaming

This book is a compendium of horror short stories designed to leave you in a state of wonder, excitement, and horror. I’ve read a lot of horror stories in my life, most notably Steven King and Clive Barker, and this book rivals them. I’ve mentioned this before in an earlier post, about how it dropsContinue reading “Out There Screaming”

A wise man once said…pt 2…

To become a better writer you must read books from authors better than you. So I picked up Jordan Peele’s Out There Screaming. And I feel out of my league. This is a collection of short horror stories written by black authors. Each story is a dive into murky waters that twirl you around blindly.Continue reading “A wise man once said…pt 2…”